
We enjoyed year-end party with lab members. In the 2017 year-end party, Dr. Hanada joined in it with his family, who will join our lab as a visiting post-graduate student next April from Nagoya. Thank you for everything you did for our lab this year! I hope that you will continue to help our lab next year!


Nishiyama visited a collaborator Alvaro Kohen-Luque at Oslo University together with another collaborator Walter de Back (@ UT Dresden).
This was the fist time for me to visit North Europe, so everything exited me. It was not so colder than I thought, and it was so surprised that it was much colder in Bielefeld of Germany where I subsequently visited.
We mostly completed making the outline of our collaborative manuscript to submit. During weekend, we enjoyed short trip to mountain area, seaside,
Opera house and something, and home party.
Oslo is one of the towns I want to visit again.


Sonezaki sann and Tomari sann, who joined in our lab. during the training program for basic medical science, presented own achievements in the workshop. Their topics ware impact of sear stress on angigenesis and impact of intraluminal pressure on angiogenesis, respectively. Their presentations were amazing and had a good grip on the audience. Good job during your program!


Prof. Uemura, who is a collaborator with us in Nagoya City Hospital, visited Kumamoto to give a seminar provided from HIGO program. He talked mainly about the role of macrophages in diabetic retinopathy. His talk was exciting and attracting all of the audiences, so his topic was discussed beyond the scheduled time. After the seminar, we enjoyed a mixer with Prof. Uemura, which was combined with a new year party of Prof. Minami lab.


Ms. Soyeon, M.S./Ph.D. candidate, joined our lab. as a research internship student from Prof. Pilhan Kim’s lab. in KAIST of South Korea. Prof. Pilhan is our collaborator in the research regarding intravital imaging of angiogenic dynamics using mice. She plants to stay in Kumamoto, so we really hope that she will enjoy our lab life and Kumamoto during her stay. The picture was taken at the welcome and a Happy New Year party!

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